【媒体评论】 昆曲《春江花月夜》艺术研讨会上,来自北京、上海等多地的专家、学者和昆曲艺术家表示,尊重传统艺术样式,联合艺术优势资源,创新推广营销,是这出戏赢得市场的核心密码。 ——《文汇报》 曲牌体给昆剧设了难题,却也是其魅力所在。张军尤其在意台词格律、平仄、表述方式,必须遵循昆曲延续数百年曲牌体传统。 ——《解放日报》 由于全剧有关人生的大追求,有关宇宙的大叩问,一而再、再而三地浓墨书写,为此深深地打动了读者或观众,引起了受众挥之不去的思考与求索。 ——《新民晚报》 张军表示,所谓“当代昆曲”并非摈弃传统,而是在坚守昆曲文学性、曲牌体、写意三大核心基础上,探索和尝试符合时代特征,有着当下美学思考的试听呈现。 ——《东方早报》 开演前10 天, 3 场演出近5000张票悉数售罄,大剧院破例加座仍供不应求,如此火爆的场面在申城戏曲演出市场实属罕见。 ——《新闻晨报》
【主创介绍】 制作人 张 军
联合国教科文组织和平艺术家,国家一级演员,中国戏剧“梅花奖”获得者,上海张军昆曲艺术中心艺术总监。工昆剧小生,师承著名表演艺术家蔡正仁、岳美缇、周志刚,是俞振飞大师的再传弟子。并曾获“上海白玉兰戏剧表演主角奖”“联合国促进昆剧发展大奖”“上海市十大杰出青年”等奖项和称号。从艺三十年来,主演过《牡丹亭》《长生殿》《玉簪记》等多部传统大戏,以及《春江花月夜》、《我,哈姆雷特》等原创昆曲剧目,塑造了昆剧舞台上多个风格迥异的角色。2010 年,由张军主演的谭盾歌剧《马可?波罗》获当年美国格莱美奖提名;2011 年5 月,联合国教科文组织授予张军“和平艺术家”称号,他是继中国影星巩俐和中国残疾人艺术团之后第三位获得此项殊荣的华人艺术家。 Zhang Jun Zhang Jun, officially ranked as one of the leading performing artists in China today, was designated in 2011 as a UNESCO Artist for Peace in recognition of his long-term commitment to promoting the art of kunqu opera, a masterpiece of the “Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” proclaimed by UNESCO in 2001. Regarded as the “Prince of Kunqu”, Zhang specializes in the young-man role type. He has performed leading roles in such well-known operas as Peony Pavilion, Palace of Eternal Youth and The Jade Hairpin. Among his numerous acting awards is the Meihua (Plum Flower) Award, China’s most distinguished honor in the performing arts. Zhang, a native of Shanghai, received his undergraduate degree in 2000 from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and his Master of Fine Arts in 2008 from Shanghai Theatre Academy. A student of kunqu since the age of twelve, he has served as a professional kunqu actor in the Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe for eighteen years. Apart from his achievements as a performing artist, Zhang has devoted himself to introducing the kunqu operatic tradition to audiences, in particular to young people, throughout China and abroad. Since 1998, he has organized over 300 interactive performances that focus on young audiences and has lectured in high schools and universities in both China and the West. In his effort to promote the art of kunqu, he has worked with a number of performing artists in different fields, including the musician Tan Dun, the conductor Muhai Tang, the Japanese Kabuki actor Ichikawa Emiya, the British Violinist Charlie Siem, the ChineseAmerican pop singer Leehom Wong and American Jazz master Bobby McFerrin. Zhang has also played the leading role in Tan Dun’s opera Marco Polo, which was nominated for a 2010 Grammy Award. The Shanghai Zhang Jun Kunqu Art Center, a non-profit organization founded by Zhang in 2009, aims to revive and promote kunqu opera through productions,research and education, and international cultural exchange programs. 上海张军昆曲艺术中心 上海张军昆曲艺术中心是中国目前唯一的民营职业昆剧院团,成立于2009年9月22日,由上海昆剧团原副团长、国家一级演员张军创立并担任艺术总监。 中心以振兴和繁荣昆剧事业为宗旨,探索多元化的艺术生产和传播方式,并从创作演出中心、教育研究中心、传播推广中心和文化交流中心四个方面进行功能定位。上海文化发展基金会张军昆曲艺术专项基金同期成立。中心制作出品的演出项目包括实景园林昆曲《牡丹亭》、“水磨新调Kunplug?张军新昆曲音 乐会”和当代昆曲《春江花月夜》《我,哈姆雷特》等。中心还先后赴英国、美国、德国、瑞士、法国、荷兰、挪威等地演出,受到海外观众和媒体的好评。 Shanghai Zhang Jun Kunqu Art Center Founded in September 2009, Shanghai Zhang Jun Kunqu Art Center is a nonprofit organization and the first privately-owned professional Kunqu Opera troupe in China ever since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.Zhang Jun Kunqu Art center aims to revive and popularize Kunqu Opera, explore versatile ways of productions and communications of Kunqu, and positions itself as a center of creation & production, education & research, promotion & communication and international cultural exchange. The center has successfully produced Kunqu art works including the garden version of “Peony Pavilion”,“Kunplug-Zhang Jun’s New-age Kunqu Concert” and contemporary Kunqu opera“Blossoms on a Spring Moonlit Night”; and has been staged in the United States, France, Germany, Swiss, Holland and Norway, etc. Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation founded Zhang Jun Kunqu Art Fund when the art center was established. The fund aims to carry on and promote Chinese traditional culture; protect, inherit and develop Kunqu art; accelerate the development of Kunqu’s industry and art education; and promote international cultural exchange and raise the world awareness of Kunqu’s recognition as the “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”.
编剧/罗周 导演/李小平 领衔主演/张军 主演/余彬 关栋天 李鸿良 张冉
唱腔设计/孙建安 舞美设计/王欢 灯光设计/刘海渊 音响总监/吴健普 服装造型/林璟如 美术设计/霍荣龄
联合演出/上海张军昆曲艺术中心 上海昆剧院 江苏省演艺集团昆剧院 昆山当代昆剧院 全程合作品牌/美素